• About
  • Objective
  • Report

The cell is formed in the IQAC meeting dated 14.12.2019. The identified Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes are the groups of the society who are still considered socially, economically and educationally backward. This Cell aims to empower and bring students from such communities into the mainstream, by facilitating financial support to them from government as well as other sources, and encourage them towards higher education and satisfying careers.


1. Dr. Chaitali Bhattacharjee, TIC

2. Mousumi Biswas (Jt. Convenor)

3. Debarati Maity (Jt. Convenor)

4. Samiran Kora

5. Charu Chand Hansda


The objective of the Cell may be stated as follows:

To ensure a safe and secure environment to all SC/ST students and staff within the campus, with the guidelines provided by the government and UGC.

To create awareness among them of various available scholarships to pursue their education and provide them with the same.

To counsel and guide them to manage academic and emotional issues effectively.

To ensure their protection and reservation as guided by the Constitution.

To ensure prompt redressal of all grievances and provide opportunities for growth whenever possible.


The main activities of the Cell include:

To communicate with the students and motivate them for higher education, research or career goals.

To liaise with the government and provide the students all information related to scholarships and other programs of the government for their benefit.

To collect and maintain records of information on government and UGC orders pertaining to the education and employment of SC/ST students and staff.

Annual Report for 2018-19

Committee Not Formed



Annual Report for the Session 2019-2020

The SC-ST Cell was formed on 14.12.2019 and in its first meeting drafted the Objectives of the committee  and planned for the session. However all activities were put on hold for the Covid -19 Pandemic and ensuing Lockdown of the Institution from March 2020 onwards.



Annual Report for the Session 2020-2021

The Committee recorded the unusual circumstances that the entire world was being challenged with because of the Covid -19 Pandemic because of  which the college was not being able to carry out all its regular activities. Two new teachers had joined service during the period.The admission to the first semester in the two consecutive sessions 2019-20 and 2020-21 was completed in compliance with the government reservation policy rules. Scholarships for SC-ST students under OASIS were availed by 69 and 50 students in the two sessions respectively.



Annual Report for the Session 2021-2022

The Committee recorded that the college had resumed all its normal activities from February 2022. The admission to the first semester in the  session 2021-22 was completed in compliance with the government reservation policy rules. Scholarships for SC-ST students under OASIS were availed by 58 students.



Annual Report for the Session 2022-2023

The committee recorded that admission to the first semester in the  session 2021-22 was completed in compliance with the government reservation policy rules. Scholarships for SC-ST students under OASIS were availed by 31 students.


Meetings & Reports