• Netaji Nagar College for Women | College in Kolkata


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The Chemistry department began with the inception of the college in 1986, for the general course, and the honours course was subsequently introduced in 2008. The teachers, laboratory staff and students together form this relatively small department. Three full time teachers, take care of the distinct branches of the curriculum – the physical, inorganic and organic syllabi. They are amply supported in the laboratory courses by one laboratory assistant. The student strength, although not too large, is adequate, and managed effectively and efficiently. Learning in an atmosphere of easy camaraderie, the students can always approach the teachers with questions or problems. The young and dynamic teachers are always available and only too happy to help and guide them. Not only do the students avail of the subject expertise of the teachers regarding their curriculum, they also regularly approach them for advice on other issues as well, and the teachers never fail to support them with their ideas and experience. The students learn to value punctuality, diligence and discipline in work, with a spirit of meaningful inquiry. They learn to be team players, sharing available resources and helping each other, with healthy competition and a sporting spirit. New ideas and systems are introduced, problems resolved, improvements made and policy decisions taken only after thorough discussions. It is not all work and no play however. The students are constantly encouraged to read, participate in extracurricular activities, workshops and competitions, and the teachers take great pride in their achievements. Their exists a sweet and enduring relationship with our alumni, through social media. The department appreciates their willingness to share their achievements and experiences in higher studies, research and employment, with the students in the department, as they always bring immense motivation and encouragement to them.

  • Dr. Chaitali Bhattacharjee, M.Sc., Ph.D.

    HOD &Associate Professor

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  • Charu Chand Hansda, M.Sc., B.Ed

    Assistant Professor

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  • Dr. Gitashri Naiya, M.Sc., Ph.D.

    State Aided College Teacher (SACT-I)

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