The Department of Mathematics cordially welcomes you to Netaji Nagar College for Women. The department started its journey in the year 1986 to pursue excellence in Mathematics by students through development of appropriate curricula and focusing on best teaching learning practices. Mathematics brings all the branches of science together and is considered as one of the mother subjects as it provides an array of tools significantly required in solving problems related to various disciplines comprising business, engineering, the sciences, and other allied fields.At present the department offers Multi Disciplinary Courses in Mathematics (previously General Degree Courses). The department is led by Dr. Barun Kumar Pal, who is actively involved in research and has published several papers in reputed peer-reviewed international journals. The department is fully dedicated in providing best learning methodologies for students in mathematics for their upliftment and academic excellence.
HOD & Assistant Professor
View ProfileSl. No. | Course Name | Link |
1 | Discrete Mathematics | Click To View |